Verbal communication helps us define reality

Verbal communication helps us define reality

verbal communication

Communication through words is a way to help to define what is real. We use words to describe everything that is derived from emotions, ideas thoughts, experiences as well as objects and people. Imagine how you determine yourself. You could consider yourself a student or employee, a son/daughter advocate, parent, etc. You could also describe yourself as morally ethical and a night-owl or an irritable person. Verbal communication is the way we define and label the events we go through within our daily lives. 

Interact with the world

These definitions aren’t just descriptive, but they are also evaluative. Imagine yourself at the beach with some of your buddies. The day begins sunny and gorgeous, but the tides change quickly when clouds of rain appeared over the ocean. Due to the sudden rain, you view the day as ugly and disappointing. Your friend suddenly says, “What are you talking about? It’s beautiful today!” Instead of focusing on the weather, he could be saying that he was enjoying an enjoyable day enjoying time with his friends at the beach, rain or shine. This is a statement that shows that we are in control of the way we use our verbal communication to define our lives. We decide the things we want to concentrate on and how we define what we feel and its influence on how we perceive and interact with the world around us.

Think before you speak

If you organize your thoughts beforehand you can avoid some of the awkward pauses you experience when you speak. This will also allow you to communicate your thoughts more succinctly. Though recording your thoughts is not always practical during impromptu conversations it is nevertheless beneficial to spend a few minutes to write down your thoughts before beginning to speak.

Avoid confusing sentences

The most efficient method to get your message across is to present it clear and concise way. Do not use complicated, confusing sentences and make your point in a simple word. Before speaking, you should ask yourself “What is the clearest method to convey my argument?”

Read Verbal Communication in detail:

Confidence in your speech

Being confident in your speech will allow you to build confidence and earn your audience’s respect. There are many factors that influence your ability to communicate confidently and confidently, such as your knowledge of the subject as well as your choice of words and the quality of your voice as well as your body language and your ability to keep clear glances at your listeners.

Speak in a monotone tone

If you speak in a monotone tone, it is a sure way to frustrate your audience and demonstrate that your disinterest. Instead, make use of voice inflection to bring emphasis on the most important points and to alter the volume of your voice to convey emotions. This will keep your audience interested to your messages.

Make sure you are a vigilant listener

Being a good listener can be equally important as being excellent speaker. It can improve overall quality and effectiveness of communication interactions. Remember the five phases to active listening at the forefront of your mind:






It lets the people you’re communicating with that you really take an interest in their thoughts and also helps ensure that you are aware of their needs. Recap what you’ve learned and then ask questions. This will help you establish trust and build relationships faster.

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Non-verbal signals in communication

Your body language has a significant impact on how others perceive the words you speak and your perception of the conversation. Be aware of your gestures as well as your facial expressions also your bodily language, to make sure that they reflect the message you want to convey.

It’s equally important to discern body language spoken by individuals you’re speaking with. Make sure you keep eye contact ( with a blink) while you’re communicating so that you’re aware of any inconsistencies or lack of engagement

Impressive speech

Even if you have an impressive grasp of a subject does not necessarily mean that the people you’re talking to have the same expertise as you do. Think about the way someone else can comprehend the message you want to convey, especially in the event that they don’t have the technical expertise that you do. The best approach is to reduce your message to a simpler format.