Growing demand for Online Schools; where will this education system stand by 2030?

Growing demand for Online Schools; where will this education system stand by 2030?

American School of Dubai

From the last 20 years, the internet has expanded from being nearly non-existent into the biggest, most accessible database of information ever created. It has changed the way people shop, communicates, socialize, do business and think about learning and knowledge. The Internet gave a twist on distance learning; online schooling is changing the face of traditional education and it making education more accessible than ever before.

Online school is a form of education where students use their home computers through the internet. Web-based training, Computer-based training, internet based training, online training, e-learning and m- learning, online education has many names. Online learning is electronically supported education that depends on the internet for teacher and student interaction and the way to convey class materials. With online schooling, students can move anywhere with internet access and electricity into a class-room. It can include video, text, animations, audio, live chats with professors, and virtual training environments. Online schooling is a rich learning environment with much more flexibility than a traditional system. In this system teachers work remotely and have a structured curriculum for their online student to follow. It’s totally up to you that kids take only one or two fully online classes and some take all of their classes online. Sometimes, online schooling is also called cyber schools, virtual school and distance learning.

Online schooling can be a great solution for those students whose traditional schools are not a good fit. It’s a wonderful alternative that allows the student and their parents access to certified teachers, excellent learning material, professionally developed online curriculum and lessons, all tuition-free and also offered for grades K-12 in most states. In online schooling students have opportunities to meet with teachers in the safe learning environment for the instruction, guidance and help when they need it.

Online education has become so common in high school because in some states require students to take an online course for graduation. So, maximum high schools offer classes that are entirely educated through online, according to a survey released in 2018 by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Online classes are less common in middle school and grade school. According to the NCES survey, Nationwide, 25 % of all public schools offered at least one online or virtual class in 2015-2016.

Now, we are talking about Dubai traditional schools. The best and famous school is Icademy Middle East, an American School of Dubai, which provides many facilities for their students. American school of Dubai starts from 1966, and it is U.S. curriculum, independent, and pre-k through Grade 12 international school which offers an American study. The school won the award for sustainability efforts in 2019. American school of Dubai is the oldest co-educational school which is governed by a board of Trustees. It is independent school and given the facilities such as, two large outside playing areas with original grass, Auditorium, toddler pool, black box theatre, running tracks, field house, music rooms, two libraries, two swimming pools, two cafeterias  etc. students attend the classes 5 days in a week. They provide the middle school, high school, Elementary school, and Prep programs. As well as American International School Dubai is also a very famous independent institution that is private and serves the students from kindergarten to grade 12 and inaugurated in 2003. They offer the international program of studies that fulfill the needs of the multinational community in UAE. They try to develop a respect and love for learning for each student.

American international school is the place for those students who are willing to face the challenge of excellence, dedicated to global citizens with pride in their culture and appreciation for the cultures of the world. In this school every student is full of passion for learning, intellectual vitality and empower the student with the confidence and also courage to contribute to the global society and be able to achieve their dreams.  The school offers their students best facilities to make them comfortable and help the student to learn the new things with practical education. They gave the student chemistry lab, Biology Lab, physics lab, school library, Art rooms, computer lab, school clinic, and also have a book lab for them.

Online schooling is spreading day by day in the UK and 77 % increase in the last few years, meaning that 42,000 young people are educated at home. Nowadays, there is no legal requirement for the student to attend the school physically but they should receive an education at home.  In 2030, online schooling is expected to be more popular because of its convenience. Many students engage in the online system every day because school is shorter. As there is no moving between classes, travel to school, school assemblies or any other school events, classroom disruption. It means that students have much time to spend on independent study or also they can spend free time on their hobbies or interests.