December global holidays- The month of December is one of the most celebrated months of the year. The reason is none other than the endless December global holidays festivities. December has a lot of festivals, which makes it a month full of joy and celebration. In this article, we will talk about December global holidays, all the important dates. The different ways of celebrations across the globe in December global holidays.

We will discuss the purpose of celebrations of all the December global holidays festivals. There are also some international days that are observed with respect to different causes. Most of the December global holidays festivities are religious, but some of them are traditional too. Many people look forward to December global holidays the whole year.
December Global Holidays
Without any further delay, let’s have a look into some of the popular December global holidays!
1. December Global Holidays Hanukkah
Hanukkah is among the most prominent December global holidays. It is a religious festival, celebrated by the Jewish Community. The celebrations take place for eight long days. The word Hanukkah means “Dedication”. In 2022, it will be celebrated from 18 December till 26th December. Every night, for eight days people light up candles.
Hanukkah is also called the festival of light. The December global holidays celebration date for Hanukkah changes every year but is usually celebrated in November and December. The main aim of celebrating Hanukkah is to pay tribute to the victories of Jews that took place in the second century. The Jewish refused to bow down to the Greeks and won a three year-long battle.

After their victory, they repaired the destroyed temples. To celebrate it all, they lit an oil lamp that only had enough oil to be lit for a day. But to their surprise, the flames of the lamp kept burning for eight days. This is why Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days.
2. December Global Holidays Winter Solstice Or Dongzhi Festival
Celebrated on the 22nd of December, the winter solstice is another day among December global holidays. In Chinese tradition, it is commemorated as the Dongzhi festival. So what exactly is the Winter solstice? It is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere.
But the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere. The main purpose for this December global holiday is to celebrate longer nights and shorter days. People usually celebrate it by feasting, dancing, and spending time with their friends and family.

3. December Global Holidays Festivus
December Global holidays list Festivus is another December Global festivity that is celebrated on the 23rd of December. Festivus is a secular and non-commercial festival marked by the hoisting of an aluminum pole, the serving of a meal, the voicing of grievances, and the display of physical prowess.
Festivus is said to have originated from an American Sitcom Television Series called “Seinfeld”.

4. December Global Holidays St. Lucia’s Day
St. Lucia’s day celebrated in the Christian community is another December global Holidays that holds a lot of significance. It is celebrated on the 13th of December. Who is st? Lucia, or Saint Lucy? It was a Christian girl who was killed by Romans. She was a little girl, and every year Christians pay tribute to her. It is believed that she brought food to the Christians hiding in persecution, with candles lit on her head.

Christians pay tribute to st. Lucy by dressing up their daughter in white gowns with candle lights on their heads.
5. Christmas Eve December Global Festivity
Before the main day of Christmas, December Global holidays Christmas eve is celebrated on the 24th of December. Even though the Christmas decorations start taking place from mid-December everywhere. You will see decorated trees everywhere. On Christmas eve, people usually shop for gifts.

People usually feast together and buy each other presents. Decorate their homes, and streets together. Sounds fun right? Christmas eve is another December global holiday that Christians celebrate with great enthusiasm. People also go to church to pray on this day.
6. December Global Holidays in Christmas
You might already know about this one! Yes, Christmas. The huge December Global festivities of Christmas make it the most prominent December global holidays. So, what exactly is Christmas? It’s a religious festival celebrated by Christians every year on the 25th of December.

The day of Christmas is celebrated because the Christians believe it was the day of birth of “Jesus”. They believe that “Jesus” is the son of God. The preparations for Christmas start in the middle of December. The kids are very excited because of the Santa Claus tales they believe in.
Parents usually hide the gifts and tell their kids that Santa Claus came with gifts. The grand preparations for meals are done, and all the families eat together. Christmas brings a great deal of joy to everyone in the Christian community. It is one of their major December Global Holidays festivities that everybody looks forward to the whole year.

People usually wish each other a happy Christmas holiday by saying “Merry Christmas”.
7. December Global Holidays for Boxing Day
Boxing day, also known as a shopping holiday, is observed on the 26th of December the very next day of Christmas. The boxing day has nothing to do with the actual boxing. But it rather originated from the word “box”. The rituals of boxing day include giving gifts to poor people in boxes. The idea has changed over time now and people usually give their loved ones gifts.

On this December Global holidays, the servants take off from work and get Christmas gifts from their masters, which they take home to their kids. The gifts are usually packed in boxes. Other than that, there are many sales going on the boxing day and people shop a lot. Boxing day is celebrated in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, etc.
8. December Global Holiday Kwanzaa
Another popular December global holiday is Kwanzaa. It is a seven days long festival. Kwanzaa is celebrated to pay tribute to African heritage in African-American culture. The seven-day celebration of Kwanzaa is devoted to 7 principles. That includes creativity, Cooperative economics, Self-Determination, Unity, Purpose, collective responsibility, & Faith.

December global holidays Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26th to January 1st every year. People enjoy this festival by sharing their food, gifts, etc. they dance to music and light candles every day of the festival.
9. December Global Holidays New Year’s Eve
Just like Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve is also celebrated a day before the actual New year. It is another important December global holidays that people look forward to every year. On new year’s eve, people stay up all night, and party with their friends. New Year’s Eve is celebrated on the 31st of December. The coming new year brings joy to people. Everybody looks forward to setting new goals in the new year.

People go to different famous spots in their cities to watch fireworks. Dubai is famous for its fireworks on new year’s arrival. After new year’s eve the next day is the actual new year’s day. But it is celebrated on January 1st.
Now that we’re done with all the important global holidays. Let’s have a look at some globally important observed days of December Global holidays.
December Global Holidays | Important Days
1. December Global Holidays World’s AIDS Day
To raise awareness regarding HIV Aids, every year on the 1st of December world Aids day is observed. It’s like paying a tribute to all those people that have lost their lives to this deadly disease. Aids affected people share their survival stories to motivate others. Different ways of Aids prevention and the main cause of it are discussed openly on this day. Aids is still a taboo in many countries.

2. Human Rights December Global Holiday
Every year on the 10th of December, the world’s human rights day is celebrated which is also a December global holidays. In 1948, on this day the united nations general assembly approved the universal human rights declaration. This day people are given awareness about their rights in the world. All the rights given to people are listed. Everybody has the same rights regardless of ethnicity, race, culture, or religion.

3. International Human Solidarity December Global Holiday
International Human Solidarity day is another December global Holidays that is celebrated on the 20th of December. This day creates awareness among people regarding solidarity. And promote how people can achieve sustainable development goals to eradicate poverty.

Solidarity is important as it ties people into one. It is important for people to be aware of equity and social justice so they can make their everyday lives better. In a world where we already face challenges every day, human solidarity day might make people more kind towards each other.
4. December Global Holiday for World Soil Day
Another important day celebrated in December is world soil day. It is observed on the 5th of December and marked as December Global Holidays. The main purpose of celebrating soil day is to create awareness about soil degradation effects and its prevention. On this day, children in schools are taught different uses of soil.

This December Global Holiday is important to highlight the importance of soil, without soil there won’t be any plants and thus, no food for humans. We often take nature’s gift for granted, due to which we have to face several effects of global warming.
On the 11th of December in 1946, UNICEF was created. Every year on this day it is celebrated. Because UNICEF has been a successful regulatory body for many years. It fights against child labour and supports children’s rights. Also helps states to achieve sustainable development goals. Unicef Day is another December global holidays.

6. National pollution control Day
To pay tribute to all the lives that were lost in the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 this day is observed. National pollution day is observed to spread awareness about different ways we can use to control pollution in our everyday lives. How pollution affects our earth and contributes to global warming. This day is considered in December global holidays.

We usually ignore the long-term effects of anything, but this day aims to make people more mindful of their activities. It is celebrated on the 2nd of December.
7. International day for people with disabilities
The world day of handicapped is observed to pay honor to people with disabilities. To spread awareness about different types of disabilities. To make people more kind towards people with disabilities. Educate about the cause of disabilities and ways we can eradicate them. It is celebrated on the 3rd of December.

Besides, these three important days. There are numerous other days celebrated in December. Other December global holidays include:
- World Computer Literacy Day ( 2nd December )
- International Day of Abolition of Slavery ( 2nd December )
- Indian Navy Day ( 4th December )
- International Volunteer Day ( 5th December )
- National Mathematics Day ( 22nd December )
- National Consumer Rights Day ( 24th December )
- International mountain day ( 11th December )
- Armed forces flags day ( 7th December )
- International Civil Aviation Day ( 7th December )
- The International Day Anti-Corruption Day ( 9th December )
- International day of Neutrality ( 12 December )
- International Universal Health Coverage Day ( 12 December )
- International Tea Day ( 15th December )
- International migrants day ( 18th December )
- Arabic Language Day ( 18 December )
- St. Thomas Day ( 21st December )
- Farmer’s day ( 23rd December )
- International day of Epidemic preparedness ( 27 December )
December global holidays FAQS
Q1. What does it mean by December global holidays?
December global holidays mean all the important days and festivals celebrated in December.
Q2. What do you think is the most important December global holiday?
Among different December global holidays, Christmas is the most popular festival.
Q3. How many types of December global holidays are there?
There are different types of December global holidays. Traditional, religious, international, etc.
Q4. What is an example of a religious December global holiday?
Christmas is an example of religious December global holidays, it is celebrated by the Christian community.
Q5. Name some important days that are observed in December.
Some of the important days observed in December are
1. world’s aids day
2. International human rights day
3. Human solidarity day
Q6. When is New Year’s eve celebrated?
New Year’s eve is another December global holiday that is celebrated on the 31st of December.
Q7. When is human solidarity day observed?
One of the important December global holidays, human solidarity day is celebrated on the 20th of December.
Q8. Are all December global holidays celebrated for a cause?
Yes, all the December global holidays have reasons and history behind their celebration.
Q9. Which December global holidays pay tribute to the Bhopal gas tragedy?
The December global holiday “national pollution control day” pays tribute to the gas tragedy of Bhopal.
Q10. What is your favorite December global holiday?
My favorite December global festivity day is New Year’s eve because of the fireworks.
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