Periods are something that most women have to deal with monthly. Even still, the topic is one that many feel uncomfortable talking about. With the evolution of technology and people’s willingness to try other options, there are many ways to manage your period without using pads or tampons. According to WUKA, “Replace tampons, pads and menstrual cups with reusable WUKA period pants.”
Different Options for Managing Your Period
1. Pads
These are also referred to as sanitary pads or menstrual pads. They have been around for a long time, and they’re made from wood pulp bandages, which is a safe bet since they’ve been around for a long time. You can buy various pads for different needs, and they don’t have to be changed very often.
They are very easy to use, and they’re also a cheap alternative to other methods. You can stick them in your underwear and go. They can also be adjusted to your body as needed.
There are cons to some brands. Some pads are more comfortable to wear than others, but they can also make your pants look uncomfortable. Also, they can sometimes shift while you’re wearing them, which can lead to accidents.
2. Period Underwear or Pants
Period underwear is designed to fit and feel like regular pants, but with a built-in blood collector. It doesn’t matter what size you are, there are period pants and underwear for all shapes and sizes. Plus size period pants can make you feel comfortable while going through your day.
One of the biggest advantages of period-proof underwear is comfort. Many brands have a wide range of cuts and absorbency levels, which are ideal for people who are prone to feeling bloated or less confident. They are also reusable, which means they can be washed and reused over and over again. If you’re worried that your period might make you feel less confident or bloated, period-proof underwear could be a good alternative.
3. Tampons
The pros of using modern-day Tampons are that they’re incredibly comfortable and can help keep your period clean. A lot of people like them due to how they absorb blood and feel cleaner than pads. Tampons are great for active people, as they won’t shift while you’re wearing them.
One of the biggest concerns about using a tampon is toxic shock syndrome, which can cause serious health issues if left untended. Also, they can leak if they’re not inserted correctly, and they can collect too much blood before they’re changed.
Unfortunately, some people find it uncomfortable to put something into their bodies. Also, they’re a bit more expensive than pads, and they use a plastic-based applicator.
4. Menstrual Cups
A menstrual cup is a flexible, reusable cup that collects blood until it’s full. When it’s full, users can remove the blood and clean it using warm water or soap. After each cycle, the cup can be cleaned using hot water.
The most popular brand of menstrual cups is the Diva Cup, which is reusable and lasts a long time. It reportedly has fewer mess-causing issues since it collects blood instead of absorbing it. Since they’re reusable, they’re also a great alternative to disposable pads.
The pros of using a menstrual cup are that it’s incredibly comfortable and can help keep your period clean. However, it can be a bit challenging to put it in place when you’re first trying it.
Getting the cup out can also be a bit challenging, especially if you’re in a public place. People often cite having to bear down to get it out as one of the reasons they struggle with it.
Getting through your period can be a bit challenging for everyone. Fortunately, there are various options out there that can help you manage your period. One of the most important things that people should remember when it comes to managing their period is that they should never feel ashamed about it.